5 Saving a project
An important characteristic of the Solution projects is that they allow you to revise the exact video segments where any marked indicator occurred.
The File menu option gives you three different ways to save your project:
a) Save, which saves the most recent changes to your project (.sft)
b) Save as, which allows you to save a copy of a project under a different file name (.sft)
c) Save as solution, which saves the project as a solution project (.sfc)
Important: Once the file is saved as a solution project (.sfc), it cannot be changed. Changes can only be made to the .sft file. For this reason, you should always keep a copy of .sft in a computer file. In other words, do NOT create a .sfc file until all of the changes are final.
When you save your dimensional ratings, e-SOFTA automatically assesses their concordance with the SOFTA-o guidelines. If there is an error, a message automatically appears, such as “If only positive items are checked, the score must be above 0.” This message would appear if, for example, you had checked one positive behavior but then given the client a Safety rating of 0.